Organo-mineral fertilizer


Rich in betaine

  • NK 2-4
  • Rich in betaine (9 %)
  • Rich in sugar (25 %)
  • For use in Organic Agriculture
  • Horticultural crops 80 to 160 l/ha in several applications of 15 l/ha
  • Arable crops 15 to 30 l/ha in a minimum of 2 applications
  • Perennial crops 100 to 200 l/ha in several applications of 20 l/ha
  • All crops foliar application 20 l/ha


Shake to ensure product homogeneity. Use only when necessary. Do not exceed application rate. Please contact the company or its distributor for more specific recommendations.

Compatible with most commonly used fertilizers and crop protection products, with the exception of acid-reacting products. If mixing, test first.

  • Total nitrogen (N) : ≥1.5 %
    • of which organic nitrogen (Norg) : ≥1.30 %
  • Total potassium (K2O): ≥3.5 %
  • Organic carbon Corg: 29.3 %
  • Corg/Norg: 11.3
  • Dry matter (DM): 68.2 %
  • Organic matter (OM): 50.2 %
  • Betaine: ≥9%
  • Sugars : ≥25%
  • Total humic extract (THE): 30-45%
  • Density: 1.3
  • pH 5.9


Available in 1-liter bottles, 5- and 20-liter cans and 1000-liter lost IBCs.

Shelf life: 2 years

  • Approved for organic farming in accordance with EC regulation 834/2007
  • Complies with EC regulation 1009/2019


Rich in betaine, sugar and humic acids, STIMEL brings many benefits to crops and soil.


STIMEL provides the nitrogen and potassium required by crops. Nitrogen promotes photosynthesis, while potassium supports enzymatic functions.


The betaine contained in STIMEL helps the plant to regulate its osmotic functions in the event of drought, heatwave or salt stress.


By adding sugar and humic extracts, STIMEL boosts soil life and improves its structure.


STIMEL's covering power makes it an ideal ally for all treatments. Its sugar content gives it multiple properties.

Betaine is an organic compound that can play several roles in agricultural plants. Here are some of its potential functions:

  1. Osmotic stress : Betaine acts as an osmoprotectant, helping plants to maintain their osmotic balance. It can help plants withstand stressful conditions such as drought, frost or high concentrations of salts in the soil.
  2. Nitrogen regulation : Betaine is involved in nitrogen regulation in plants. It can help maintain the balance between nitrogen uptake and utilization in plant cells.
  3. Protection against environmental stress : In the presence of adverse environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures, betaine can help protect plants by stabilizing cell membranes and mitigating stress-induced damage.
  4. Improved growth : Betaine can promote root growth and improve crop quality, contributing to greater productivity.
  5. Response to salt stress: Betaine can help plants survive in saline soils by reducing the negative effects of salt on plant growth.

It should be noted that the effects of betaine can vary depending on the specific plant, the type of environmental stress and soil conditions. Some farmers use betaine-containing products as additives to help plants cope with difficult environmental conditions and improve crop resilience.

Treating crops with sugar, often in the form of sucrose solutions, molasses or other sugar sources, is a practice sometimes used in agriculture. However, the benefits can vary depending on the type of crop, environmental conditions and the way the sugar is applied. Here are some potential benefits associated with treating crops with sugar:

  • Stimulating growth : Sugar can provide energy for plants, stimulating growth. It can be used as a carbon source for photosynthesis, promoting biomass production.
  • Strengthening the immune system : Some farmers believe that applying sugar can boost plants' immune systems, making them more resistant to disease and pests.
  • Improved fruit quality: Some reports suggest that the application of sugar can improve fruit quality by influencing the content of sugar, vitamins and other components.
  • Stress reduction : Sugar can act as an osmotic agent, helping plants to cope with water stress. This can be particularly useful in drought conditions.
  • Activation of soil micro-organisms : Sugar solutions can act as a substrate for beneficial soil micro-organisms, promoting increased microbial activity, which can have benefits for plant health.

It's important to note that the effectiveness of treating crops with sugar can depend on a number of factors, including crop type, growth stage, environmental conditions and application method. Results may vary, and research and field trials are recommended before adopting this practice on a widespread basis. In addition, it is essential to maintain a balance to avoid undesirable effects such as excessive growth of certain species of micro-organisms or increased susceptibility to disease.